The Dutch Adventist Church creates a magazine, Contact, that goes to about 3000 people who are interested in the Bible. As some of these people have been receiving this magazine for quite a few years, the editors wanted to have a recurring theological column, meant for the long-time readers. This article should match the theme of the edition. The editors asked me to write this column.
This is the twentieth column, in a magazine entitled ‘Normal’. I wrote an article about how we use norms to discriminate people, whereas God’s norms work completely differently. Read it here.
Read the others:
2020: Exclamation Mark!, Climate Changers, God in the time of Corona, Blowing with the wind,
2019 Unseeable, Powers nor Mights, Back to the Garden, Surprise!,
2018 Being Pure for God, Breath, Air, Spirit or Wind?, In or Out?, The Bible’s Language,
2017 Time, No, Dimensions, Doubts,
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